Monday , July 8 2024

The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win 5th Anniversary Edition

If you are working in manufacturing industry go and read The Goal – Novel by Eliyahu M. Goldratt but if you are working in IT industry this novel is a must read. However I recommend you read both starting with The Goal. Then when you read this novel, The Phoenix Project, you will discover that IT professionals have a lot to learn from the plant floor management. The comparisons between IT and a typical manufacturing plant makes understanding the concepts underlying DevOps easier than speaking about them in our usual IT language. If you are an IT professionals you will also realise that most of the scenarios presented in this novel are real life problems we face everyday.

In this day and age, the name of the game in IT industry is quick time to market and to fail fast. “If you can’t out-experiment and beat your competitors in time to market and agility, you are sunk”. This novel is about an IT initiative code named The Phoenix Project in the context of business. You will learn how to avoid unplanned work and improve IT operational efficiency through automated build and deployment process and treating infrastructure as code.

The best part of the novel is the final chapter in which the authors took some time to revisit all the concepts in a brief summary. They then anticipated that in ten years, every Chief Operating Oficer (COO) must come from IT otherwise they will rely on someone else to do their job.

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