Monday , July 8 2024

IoT and Edge Computing for Architects: Implementing edge and IoT systems from sensors to clouds with communication systems, analytics, and security, 2nd Edition

Here is a punchy and yet a comprehensive latest book (published on March 6, 2020) about the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing for architects. I had a chance to work in banking industry, agricultural industry, as well as in processing industry and I can confidently tell you that the IoT is already affecting every segment in these industries. Today the scale of connected devices is unprecedented and that’s precisely the strength of IoT. It gives us the ability to sense the environment that will lead to more efficiencies, revenue streams, and value for customers.  

In chapter one of this book the author will walk you through enormous IoT use cases from, industrial and manufacturing, to retail, finance, and marketing, to healthcare, to transportation and logistics, to agriculture and environment, to government and military, and as well as to consumer IoT use cases. I was impressed by how up to date all these use cases are. Then the rest of book will give you the detailed steps that must be followed to architect the best end-to-end solution for a particular business need. Each chapter gives a high-level summary and also dive deep into the topic to understand the history and technicality of the subject.

I enjoyed almost every chapter but especially I liked chapter: 8 Edge Computing which touches Microsoft Azure IoT Edge, Chapter 10: Edge to Cloud Protocols, Chapter 11: Cloud and Fog Topologies and Chapter 13: IoT and Edge Security which touches the value of Blockchains and cryptocurrencies in IoT. In fact, it is the last chapter, chapter 13, which brought me back to this book and read it the second time. The breadth and depth the author explores makes this book extremely valuable as a reference for anyone architecting IoT solutions.

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