Friday , July 5 2024



How to Unlock Your Team’s Creative Potential

In this episode Indra Nooyi, former CEO and Chairman at PepsiCo and Reid Hoffman are discussing about how to unlock your team’s creative potential, and boy, after you listen to this eposide you have to read her book My Life in Full: Work, Family, and Our Future which came out …

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100.LESSONS THAT MATTER MOST: What we have learned from 100 episodes of Masters of Scale

Another masterpiece episode from Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman. In this sparky episode Reid and his executive producer, June Cohen, get you a chair around a table with five iconic founders & CEOs discussing about classic issues of being an entrepreneur. First, briefly everyone shares his/her personal journey, then …

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Five secrets to keep your best employees

This is a 32min special episode from Masters of Scale Podcast with Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, that I think you might find it interesting. It’s a collection of stories from previous episodes that Reid summarised them into “Five secrets to keep your best employees“. In this episode; Angela Ahrendts …

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Why We Sleep

If you haven’t read his book “Why We Sleep”, here is Matthew Walker, the author himself, explaining in a 2min video summary of why you should sleep more.

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Twitter Developer Account Application

Twitter has just approved my Twitter developer account application, I’m thrilled to start exploring Twitter API. For testing purpose, this will be my first tweet posted direct from my personal website

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